undefined - Video Library - illustration 06a6cdda-2e0c-4345-a3de-6be30f5393ad

Managing the PDF Content Library


Content libraries are used to help sales consultants add valuable content to their sales quotes. The objective of content libraries is to centralize the development of reusable content that would not normally be part of a Sales Quote Template.

For example, the administrator of the content libraries may provide a library of product specification PDF documents used in sales quotes to provide detailed product data for products being sold, or it may be valuable to provide complex content page layouts in PDF form to embed as part of sales quotes to create high impact content to impress clients.  Skilled graphic designers produce this type of PDF document. It is a valuable resource for sales consultants who are always looking to differentiate themselves against their competition.

The types are content libraries are:

- Text


- Video

- Images

- Spreadsheets

- Products catalogue

This user guide topic provides information to manage the Video Content Library.

Does your user account have access to manage the Video Content Library?

Ensure your QuoteCloud user account has access to manage the content libraries; if you do not have access to manage the content libraries, ask your administrator to provide them access to these user role privileges.  Instructions to update a user role to assign rights to manage the Video Content Library are as follows:

Click on the Configuration menu on the Sales Quote Dashboard, then select Manage Users & Roles.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Video Library - illustration 619f5673-83b4-416c-95d7-2133eeac227c

Click on the Edit button for the user account you would like to update.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Video Library - illustration 03b212be-4bbd-4797-b0e7-70df9d5cc052

Click on the Enrollment tab to view the User Role setting.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Video Library - illustration 48615c45-7d9b-491a-9374-afe893b11e31

Click into the Roles data field and select the User Role that has privileges to manage the Video Content Library.  

Managing the Video Content Library

To access the function to update the Video Content Library, click on the Content Libraries menu on the Sales Quote Dashboard and select the option Videos.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Video Library - illustration d4901105-c277-45f2-afae-74e6130a038f

You will now see the Video Content library (as shown below). The page consists of a filter on the left where you can filter to show certain categories of video files, and on the right will be the list of the current video files  You can click on the Edit button to update any existing video asset. To delete a video asset, click on the down arrow on the right of the Edit button and select Delete.

We will now learn how to create a new video asset. Click on the New Item button (bottom left of the screen).

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Video Library - illustration 606d85c0-91fe-4b73-a26c-005c890c2f3e

You will now see the Add Item window (as shown below).

Click in the Folder data item, and either select New Folder or choose an existing folder category.  These categories are used in the Sales Quote Editor to group similar types of content; this makes it easier for a Sales Consultant to locate a video asset in a larger Video Content Library.

Next, click on the Video Title data item and type a short description of the video. This video title is displayed in the video library for other users to understand what the video is (without having to play it).

Now copy and paste the video link (this is the link to view the video on YouTube or Vimeo. For example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnGmedwOYuQ would be a URL for a YouTube video.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Video Library - illustration d9460058-ba8e-424c-9517-7796db695dec

Now click the Save Changes button to add your new video to your Video Content Library.

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